Physical World:
The world outside our body which we can sense, by using our senses, is the physical world.
We define Science as organised knowledge. It means Study of anything in this physical world in a systematic manner, is the Science.
( The word 'science' has come from latin word - scientia, which means- to know.)
Physics is the branch of science in which we study the basic laws or rules of nature and their manifestation in different natural phenomena.
( The word 'Physics' has come from a Greek word- fusis, which means- nature.)
Scientific method:
Scientific method is a systematic attempt to understand natural phenomenon in as much detail as possible and use this knowledge to predict, modify and control phenomena.
Main steps of scientific method are
Systematic observation
Controlled experiment
Qualitative and quantitative reasoning
Mathematical modelling
Verification or falsification
If verified in last step, then a law is established.
Principal thrust in Physics:
We study Physics with two basic methods, known as Principal thrust -
In unification method, we try to explain a large number of phenomena in the nature with minimum number of laws.
Ex.- Apple falling to ground, water flowing down, Earth moving around the Sun are the phenomena explained on the basis of single law - the Law of Gravitation.
When we try to understand or to derive the properties of a bigger or more Complex system by the properties of its simpler constituents, that are already understood, then this approach is called reductionism.
Ex.- converting chemical energy of coal into electrical energy in power house is a complex process but can be understood if divided into small - small parts each based on different principle of Physics.
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