- By Coats Kinney
The poetry, “Rain on the Roof” by Coats Kinney is about the pleasant sound of the raindrops on the roof and the positive feelings that come to our mind after listening those sounds. The poet says that when the dark clouds gather in the sky covering the stars in the dark night and the night begins to weep in the form of the rain, it provides us relaxation when we are in our bed with pillow in our heads. When the raindrops fall on the roof, the sound of every single drop touches the heart very deeply. Suddenly thousands of dreams begin to come to our mind and we start re-collecting them for us permanently.
The poet again says that in such circumstances the memories of his mother come to his mind. He remembers that his mother used to be with him till the dawn in such rainy nights, when he would have the good dreams. Even at present time after listening the patter of the raindrops on the roof, he feels such memories.
Q.1.What do the following phrases mean to you?
humid shadows
starry spheres
what a bliss
a thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start
a thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof
Humid shadows: it means the shadows of different wet things during the rainy season.
Starry spheres: The area in the sky where stars appear in groups.
What a bliss: it expresses the feelings of happiness of poet, when he listens to the rain drops.
A thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start: The poet feels relaxed and starts remembering the past and finds himself lost in the dreams during rain.
A thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof: The poet remembers thousands of memories in rainy season.
Q.2.What does the poet like to do when it rains?
During the rain, the poet often wants to lie on the bed in his cottage and listens to pitter-patter sound of the rain.
Q. 3.What is the single major memory that comes to the poet’s? Who are the “darling dreamers” he refers to?
The memory of poet’s mother is the single major memory that always comes to his mind during such rainy season. He refers ‘Darling dreamers’ to those ‘kids’ who remember their mothers as the poet does.
Q.4.Is the poet now a child? Is his mother still alive?
No, the poet is young now and his mother is no more that's why he always remember his mother.
Q.5When you were a young child, did your mother tuck you in, as the poet’s did?
Yes, my mother has tucked me, when I was a child.
Q.6.Do you like rain? What do you do when it rains steadily or heavily as described in the poem?
Yes, I like rain and when it rains I used to sit just inside the main door and put my legs outside of door to get wet my legs and feels the drops of rain.
Q.7.Does everybody have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains? Look around you and describe how different kinds of people or animals spend time, seek shelter, etc. during rain.
No, everyone can not have such a cosy bed to lie in during rain. There are so many people who barely save themselves from rain. Some don't even have a house to live in. So many animals wet during rainy season as they live in roads or other open places and don't have any shelter.
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