-By Phoebe Cary
The poetry, “A Legend of the Northland” by Phoebe Cary is a story of a greedy old lady who, because of her greed, angered Saint Peter. This story is always spoken by the eldest to the children in the Northland, where the days are very short and when it snows, they use the reindeers to the sledges . The children wear furry clothes and look like bear’s cubs there.
Once, Saint Peter lived in this world and wandered here and there to preach, went to the door of a cottage.There was an old lady who was baking the cakes . Saint Peter was in fasting the whole day and in the evening asked the old lady for one from her store of cakes. The old lady made a very little cake but after it was baked, she thought this was too large to give anyone. She again kneaded another smaller than the before, but after baking that again considered that too large. Then, she took a tiny scrap and rolled that flat, but when she baked that, again realised that in the size not to be given. In the meantime, because of the strike of hunger, Saint Peter grew so angry and cursed her to convert into a woodpecker and to work very hard to find a very little food as she was too selfish to live as a human being. After his curse, she converted into a bird, who even at present, is seen in the trees boring for food.
Q.1.Which country or countries do you think “the Northland” refers to?
It is a country in the north where days are short and nights are long.
Q.2.What did Saint Peter ask the old lady for? What was the lady’s reaction?
Saint Peter asked the old lady for a piece of cake. The lady behaved miserly and kept decreasing the size of the cake. At last she did not give him anything to eat.
Q.3.How did he punish her?
He cursed her and made her a woodpecker.
Q.4.How does the woodpecker get her food?
The woodpecker bores trees and the hard wood to get its food.
Q.5.Do you think that the old lady would have been so ungenerous if she had known who Saint Peter really was? What would she have done then?
No, she would not have been ungenerous with Saint Peter in this situation. Perhaps, she would have given him food and that cake to make him happy with the greed to get something special..
Q.6.What is a legend? Why is this poem called a legend?
A legend is a story of ancient times in which someone believes or someone not. This poem is called a 'legend', because it preaches kindness and librality towards human beings.
Q.7.Write the story of ‘A Legend of the Northland’ in about ten sentences.
' A Legend of the Northland' is a story of a greedy old lady who, because of her greed, angered Saint Peter. Once Saint Peter was so hungry so he asked the old lady for one from her store of cakes. The old lady made a very little cake but after it was baked, she kneaded it again and again to make the cake smaller. The Saint Peter became so angry and he cursed her to convert into a woodpecker and to work very hard to get a little food for herself, because she was so selfish for human beings.
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