BPSC 66th Combined Entrance Examination
Read important Current Affairs of September
66th BPSC notification 2020: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has started the online registration process for the 66th Combined Civil Services Recruitment Examination from 28 September. If you are interested in this, you can apply online at bpsc.bih.nic.in. To apply, go to the official website of Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) bpsc.bih.nic.in and apply.
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The BPSC has notified a total of 731 vacancies for various posts in various departments of the Government of Bihar, out of which 169 vacancies are reserved for women candidates. These include vacancies of Superintendent of Police, Jail Superintendent, State Tax Assistant Commissioner, Additional Election Officer, Planning Commission, Bihar Probation Service Officer, Additional District Transport Officer, Food Supply Inspector, Revenue Officer, Block Panchayat Raj Officer
This notification of BPSC 66th Preliminary Examination was scheduled to be released in the last week of June but due to the Corona epidemic it has been released in September.
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Candidates who have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university can apply. Candidates who have passed the preliminary examination will fill a separate application form for the main examination.
To apply for 66th BPSC Prelims, first you have to get yourself registered.To register, go to the BPSC website bpsc.bih.nic.in and click on the link to 'Apply Online'.
Now after opening on a new page, submit your ID and phone information here. Your ID will be registered. Now you can apply the application. If you are having any issue during application, you can contact through the official website of BPSC.
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