The Happy Prince Summary ( Hindi and English ), Class 9 , English book Moments
-By Oscar Wilde
*Name of the Characters:
The happy Prince (a statue)
The bird ( the messenger and helper of happy Prince)
The story, "The happy Prince" by Oscar Wilde is about the tendency of helping others even if one becomes completely insolvent. The story starts from a city where there was a Statue of the Happy Prince on a tall column.The statue was gilded all over with fine gold. He had one precious red Ruby on his Sword and two sapphires on his eyes. One day a little swallow, during his journey to Egypt, stayed behind his friends and decided to spend the night under the statue. When he was about to sleep, some drops of tears from the eyes of the Statue fell on the swallow and when he asked about it, the statue replied that he did never feel sad in his whole life but now after becoming the statue he is watching the sufferings of the poor of this city. The happy Prince requested the little swallow to stay there for one more night and to give the Ruby of his sword to the lady who was so poor and was embroidering flowers on a gown for the Queen and whose son was suffering from cold and fever. The little swallow got ready and flew over a Cathedral Tower, the palace and the river. When the swallow reached the house of that poor lady, he kept that Ruby in front of her. After returning from there when he went to the happy prince, he was again requested to stay one more night so that the playwright, who was trying to write a script but was so poor and was suffering from cold because of the lack of firewood, could be helped. According to the instruction of the happy Prince, the little swallow took one of the eyes of the Statue out which was a precious sapphire and gave it to the playwright.. Again the statue requested the bird to stay there so as to help a little girl who was selling the match boxes but had fallen to the gutter and destroyed unwillingly all the matchsticks. The bird took his another eye out and gave it to the girl. Now the happy Prince was completely blind and seeing this miserable condition of the statue, the little swallow decided to stay with him forever. From that day, with the instructions of the Statue, the swallow began to find out the needy people in the whole city and began to help them by providing the leaf of the gold from the body of the Statue continuously. After a long time the happy Prince was converted into a dull and grey statue and on the other side because of the cold weather and the snowfall, the little swallow died after the last emotional meet with the happy Prince.
Next morning the Mayor and the town Councillors came there and saw the faded statue. He ordered to pull down the statue and melt it in a furnace. He also ordered to publish a notice that birds are not to be allowed to die here. When the statue was melted, the work men found that the broken leaden heart did not melt in the Furnace.
After a few days, God sent his angels to bring him the two most precious things from the city and the angel brought the same leaden heart and the dead bird for him. The God finally told that those were the perfect things that he had wished for.
हिंदी में समझें:
ऑस्कर वाइल्ड की कहानी "द हैप्पी प्रिंस" दूसरों की मदद करने की प्रवृत्ति के बारे में है, भले ही वह पूरी तरह से दिवालिया हो जाए। कहानी एक ऐसे शहर से शुरू होती है जहां एक ऊँचे स्तंभ पर हैप्पी प्रिंस की एक प्रतिमा थी। प्रतिमा को शुद्ध सोने से मढ़ा गया था। उसके पास अपनी तलवार पर एक कीमती लाल रूबी और आँखों पर दो नीलम थे। एक दिन एक छोटा पक्षी, मिस्र की अपनी यात्रा के दौरान, अपने दोस्तों से पीछे रह गया और प्रतिमा के नीचे रात बिताने का फैसला किया। जब वह सोने जा रहा था, तो मूर्ति की आँखों से आँसू की कुछ बूँदें न पक्षी के ऊपर गिर गईं और जब उसने इस बारे में पूछा, तो प्रतिमा ने जवाब दिया कि वह अपने पूरे जीवन में कभी दुखी नहीं हुआ, लेकिन अब प्रतिमा बनने के बाद वह इस शहर के गरीबों की पीड़ा देख रहा है। हैप्पी प्रिंस ने छोटे से पक्षी से अनुरोध किया कि वह एक और रात वहां रहे और उसकी तलवार (रूबी) को उस महिला को दे दे जो बहुत गरीब थी और रानी के लिए गाउन पर फूल उकेर रही थी और जिसका बेटा सर्दी और बुखार से पीड़ित था। वह पक्षी तैयार हो गया और कैथेड्रल टॉवर, महल और नदी के ऊपर से उड़ता हुआ उस महिला के पास जाने लगा। जब वह पक्षी उस गरीब महिला के घर पहुंचा, तो उसने उस रूबी को उसके सामने रख दिया। वहाँ से लौटने के बाद जब वह हैप्पी प्रिंस के पास गया, तो उससे फिर से एक रात रुकने का अनुरोध किया गया, ताकि एक नाटककार, जो एक स्क्रिप्ट लिखने की कोशिश कर रहा था, वह बहुत गरीब और जलाऊ लकड़ी की कमी के कारण ठंड से पीड़ित था, की मदद की जा सके। हैप्पी प्रिंस के निर्देश के अनुसार, उस पक्षी ने स्टैचू की दो आंखों में से एक को निकाल लिया जो एक कीमती नीलम था और इसे नाटककार को दिया। फिर से प्रतिमा ने चिड़िया से अनुरोध किया कि वह एक छोटी लड़की की मदद करे, जो माचिस की डिब्बी बेच रही थी, लेकिन गटर में गिर गई थी और उसकी सभी माचिस की तीली नष्ट हो गई थी। पक्षी ने उसकी दूसरी आंख निकाल ली और लड़की को दी। अब हैप्पी प्रिंस पूरी तरह से अंधा हो गया था और प्रतिमा की इस दयनीय स्थिति को देखकर, उस पक्षी ने हमेशा उसके साथ रहने का फैसला किया। उस दिन से, मूर्ति के निर्देशों के अनुसार, पक्षी पूरे शहर में जरूरतमंद लोगों का पता लगाना शुरू किया और लगातार मूर्ति के शरीर से सोने की पत्ती प्रदान करके उनकी मदद करना शुरू कर दिया। एक लंबे समय के बाद हैप्पी प्रिंस एक सुस्त और ग्रे प्रतिमा में परिवर्तित हो गया और दूसरी तरफ ठंड के मौसम और बर्फबारी की वजह से, हैप्पी प्रिंस के साथ अंतिम भावनात्मक मुलाकात के बाद छोटे पक्षी की मृत्यु हो गई।
अगली सुबह मेयर और नगर पार्षद वहां आए और उन्होंने फीकी मूर्ति को देखा। उसने प्रतिमा को नीचे खींचने और एक भट्टी में पिघलाने का आदेश दिया। उन्होंने एक नोटिस प्रकाशित करने का भी आदेश दिया कि पक्षियों को यहां मरने की अनुमति नहीं है। जब मूर्ति को पिघलाया गया, तो काम करने वाले लोगों ने पाया कि टूटे हुए सीसे का दिल फर्नेस में नहीं पिघला।
कुछ दिनों के बाद, भगवान ने अपने स्वर्गदूतों को शहर से दो सबसे कीमती चीजें लाने के लिए भेजा और स्वर्गदूत उनके लिए वही सीसे का दिल और उस मृत पक्षी को लाए। परमेश्वर ने आखिरकार बताया कि वे बिलकुल सही चीजें थीं जिनकी उसने कामना की थी।
( in Hindi and English )
NOTE : Following questions and answers are important for the exams. Questions are created for your preparation and these questions and their answers will also help you to get NCERT SOLUTION OF THE HAPPY PRINCE, CLASS 9, ENGLISH BOOK MOMENTS.
Q.1. Why was the big statue named 'the Happy Prince' ?
When that prince was alive, he never had felt sadness in his life. He was always happy and joyful. So the people used to call him the happy prince.
Q.2. Why was 'The Happy Prince' crying ?
After being the statue, he realised the sorrowful and miserable conditions of citizens around him for the first time. So, he was so sad and that's why he was crying.
Q.3. Why did the swallow become ready to help people ?
The little swallow was also a kind hearted bird, When he realised that the happy prince is trying to help needy people around him and he is unable to do that, the little swallow decided to be with him and help people.
Q.4. Why did the happy prince send the little swallow to the playwright ?
The playwright was so poor that he couldn't afford the firewoods to get warmed. He was trying to finish his script but due to so much cold and hunger, he became faint. So the prince sent the swallow to help the playwright by giving Prince's one eye of sapphire.
Q.5. Do you think that such roles in real life exist ?
No. I don't think that such kind hearts really exist. Yes, there are so many people who try to help others but they are also not enough to compare with the role of the happy prince and that little swallow.
Q.1.What are the precious things in the story ? What moral do we get from this story ?
The leaden heart of the prince and the dead bird are the two precious things in the world. It is described by the role of God in this story. The prince and the little swallow were so kind that they sacrificed their everything to help others. The prince gave his Sword's ruby, two sapphires of his eyes and all the fine gold layers of the body of the statue( the happy prince). Whereas the little swallow left his friends and did not go to Egypt to help people. They both together helped the people around them. In the last, the appearance of god stated that the creatures like them are so precious even for a god. God also likes such creatures who always try to help everyone and think about others before themselves.
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